
Teaching at Ox-Bow - Art in Social Contexts

July 2010 /
In the summer of 2010 I will co-teach a class at Ox-bow School of the Arts with Harrell Fletcher.

Art in Social Contexts

Many contemporary artists choose to contextualize their work in public arenas where social groups are invited to participate in dynamic, object-less projects with open-ended results. In this class we will explore multiple facets of socially engaged art with the town of Saugatuck as our backdrop. Students will be asked to conduct multiple forms of field research in town that engage them with the town`s history, communities, and landscape. Assignments will ask students to use their research and interests to create socially engaged projects with themes that many social artists utilize such as: service, intervention, participation, and dialog among others. An emphasis will be placed on the process rather than product or outcome as many important questions arise from the process of working with other people. Selected readings will be from artist's such as Joseph Beuys, Allan Kaprow, Temporary Services, Ted Purves and critics such as Paul Willis and Randall Szott.