
The Canoedio

2009 / A Collaboration with Hannah Jickling and Helen Reed.
For the Yukon Arts Festival we created the Canoedio - an artist studio in a canoe and floating alternative classroom space. We took the Canoedio down the Yukon River for 6 days, exploring the geology, landscape, history, and folklore of the Yukon. When we arrived in Dawson, we put together a display and a mini-festival of activities. These activities included: morning readings from Spell of the Sensuous while serving coffee and sourdough pancakes (with an original strain of 111 year old sourdough yeast from the Yukon), selling ice cream nuggets and driftwood popsicles (inspired by the idea of placing value on rocks), a floating photographic darkroom (presented by Bob Jickling), and we auctioned a Champagne Shower (inspired by Swift Water Bill Gates, who was so rich he used to bathe in wine). And we did all this while sitting in the canoe.